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What can you do to stop grinding your teeth?

If you find yourself waking up with jaw pain or you’re experiencing tooth damage you may be suffering from bruxism. Bruxism (grinding of the teeth) often occurs during sleep. This is known as nocturnal bruxism. You may also clench your jaw or grind your teeth subconsciously while you're awake, which is called awake bruxism.

Teeth grinding is a complicated issue, but you can help prevent the effects of grinding your teeth by doing certain things. Depending on the underlying cause and symptoms of your teeth grinding, some remedies may be more effective than others.

Your dentist or doctor can help you find the right solution for ending your bruxism. Discover possible remedies for teeth grinding by reading on.

1. Mouth guards and splints

A mouth guard is an occlusal splint that may be beneficial for sleep bruxism. As you sleep, it cushions your teeth and prevents them from grinding against each other. Dentists can custom-make mouth guards for patients, or they can purchase them over-the-counter (OTC). More recently, you can now get custom made night guards that are the same as the dentist online for a fraction of the price. Custom-made mouth guards can protect your teeth if you suffer from chronic sleep bruxism. They may also help reduce jaw strain.

Mouth guards can be made in a variety of thicknesses and are custom-made to fit your teeth exactly. They can be made of soft, hard, or hybrid material, and they are usually more comfortable than store-bought mouth guards. You can find the best night guard for teeth grinding to meet your needs with personalized recommendations online.

2. Reconstructive dental work

A much more extreme and expensive option is reduction coronoplasty, which reshapes or levels the biting surface of your teeth. If your teeth grinding is caused by crowded, misaligned, or crooked teeth, it may be effective; however, current research shows that grinding is more commonly caused by stress and anxiety than teeth misalignment.

3. Biofeedback

Biofeedback is a technique that helps people become aware of and eliminate problematic behaviors. Both sleep and awake bruxism can be treated with this device. A biofeedback therapist teaches you how to control your jaw muscle movements using visual, vibratory, or auditory feedback generated from electromyography.

Among all the techniques, the one that is the easiest and most cost effective to implement is a night guard. If you want to get the best dental night guard, you can check online and choose the one that best meets your grinding and clenching needs.


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