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Bruxism Basics: How a Bruxism Guard Can Stop Your Teeth Grinding

If you just found out that you grind your teeth, you may have started hearing and seeing the word bruxism. So what is bruxism and what can you do about it? Bruxism is the medical term for subconsciously grinding or clenching your teeth, often while sleeping. In fact, bruxism is also considered a sleep movement disorder and is the most common sleep movement disorder among adults. Left unchecked, bruxism can lead to jaw pain and tension, headaches that range from mild to severe, and tooth damage such as cracks and overall wearing down of the surfaces of the teeth.

Bruxism Mouth Guard
Since teeth grinding and clenching happens unconsciously, you may be wondering what you can do to stop it, or at least to prevent its negative effects. Fortunately, there is a fast solution that will help protect your teeth and prevent teeth damage, headaches, and more. A bruxism mouth guard provides a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth, which not only protects your teeth from wearing down, but also helps to reduce jaw tension from grinding and clenching. The protective barrier absorbs the tension of grinding and clenching, reducing its effect on your teeth and jaw. Many people also report a significant reduction in headaches caused by grinding when they use a bruxism guard. Depending on the severity of your bruxism, there are different materials available for the best balance of protection and comfort.

When it comes to protecting your teeth from the effects of grinding, a bruxism mouth guard is the easiest and most effective solution. The right guard will provide the protection and relief you’re looking for from the moment you put it on. When searching for an effective mouth guard, you’ll want to consider quality, durability, and comfort. Don’t wait to protect your teeth and eliminate jaw tension and headaches. Improve your health and sleep with a custom bruxism guard.


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