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Showing posts from November, 2020

Top Tips for Finding the Best Bite Guard for Teeth Grinding

If you grind or clench your teeth, you know how important it is to find a mouth guard that works for you. It’s not unusual for teeth grinders to spend a lot of time and money going through trial and error until they find something that does its job, fits their budget, and is comfortable enough for them to keep on throughout the night. If this sounds like you, we’ve got your guide to finding the best bite guard for teeth grinding .   1: Evaluate your Grinding   The first step to finding your ideal mouth guard is to determine how severe your grinding or clenching is. Light grinders can typically go with a soft mouth guard or a mouth guard that is thinner. For moderate grinders, bite guards made of a thicker, more durable material that are typically either hard or have a dual layer of hard and soft material are best. For severe grinders, bite guards made of a hard and durable material would be best. 2: Think About Comfort   The level of comfort you want is also important to ...

Can a Retainer Protect You from Harmful Teeth Grinding Effects?

If you’ve had orthodontic work, you likely now wear a retainer to keep your teeth in their perfect new position. If you also grind your teeth, you may find yourself in a dilemma. How do you keep your teeth from shifting their position while also protecting them from grinding?   First, let’s go over the most typical types of retainers that you may be familiar with: clear plastic retainers and wire retainers. Since wire retainers are made of wire and plastic and do not cover the bottom surfaces of your teeth, they would not offer protection from grinding and may actually snap due to the force of grinding or clenching. Clear retainers on the other hand, do cover the bottom surfaces of your teeth, so they may provide some protection from grinding. However, depending on the severity of your grinding, they may wear down or crack because the material is not durable enough. Luckily, if you’re looking for a way to both keep your teeth in their position and counteract grinding, Chomper Labs ...

How to Know if You Need a Mouth Guard for Sleeping

Teeth grinding or clenching that happens in your sleep can be hard to notice at first, but knowing how to recognize the signs is key to taking early action. We’ll go through the most common ways to recognize that you grind or clench your teeth, and what you can do to stop it in its tracks.   One of the earliest signs of teeth grinding and clenching is feeling like your jaw muscles are tight or sore, especially when waking up in the morning. If when you stretch your jaw open you feel tension and tenderness, this is a good indicator that you may be tensing your jaw and therefore clenching or grinding your teeth. Headaches are another common symptom of teeth grinding and clenching. Of course, headaches can occur for a variety of reasons, but if they are also accompanied by feelings of jaw tension or soreness, it is likely that the headaches are related to grinding. Another common symptom is the wearing down of the surfaces of your teeth, and even sometimes cracks or other more severe ...